Saturday, October 24, 2015

New National Leadership Team Elected

National Minister JAN PARKER, OFS
National Vice Minister MARY BITTNER, OFS
National Secretary MATTIE WARD, OFS
National Treasurer JERRY ROUSSEAU, OFS 
National Councilor JOAN GEIGER, OFS
National Councilor AWILDA GUADALUPE, OFS
International Councilor MARY STRONACH, OFS
Br. BOB BRADY, OFM, president-in-turn of the Conference of National Spiritual Assistants.

Pax et bonum

Sunday, October 18, 2015

New Fraternity Council Elected

At its October 16 meeting, the Glory of the Most High Fraternity elected its new Council:

From Left: Donna White, Councilor; Lee Strong, Councilor; Carolyn Barth, Minister; Mary Smith, Treasurer; Marilyn Gawlik, Secretary; Gwen Franus, Vice Minister; Betty Carmen, Formation Director.

There were a few twists and turns in the election process, but the leadership team is now in place for the next three years. God be with them and guide them.

Pax et bonum