Monday, August 7, 2017

Feast of the Transfiguration

Greetings, Dear Brothers and Sisters, Franciscans of The Glory of [Yahweh] The Most High!

Happy Transfiguration Day! Let's be mindful on this radiant solemnity that the dazzlingly luminous glory of Yahweh the Most High was made manifest to chosen witnesses on this transfiguring day when the Father audibly and visibly proclaimed his beloved son's splendor and authority.

Let's also be mindful that we, too, have been named as chosen witnesses in our time and place, and that we are not simply a cluster of Franciscans among an indistinguishable array of others worldwide. For, as our very rule (#20) proclaims, all Franciscan fraternities
"...have THEIR OWN MORAL PERSONALITY in the Church..."

Our moral personality is formed from the mystery of the Glory of Yahweh. Our Glory-saturated personality is exposed for exploration and contemplation, among other times and places, in specific moments designated by Holy Mother Church in her order of the Liturgical Year. Today is one such moment.

So, Happy Transfiguration Day, dear mirrors of the most luminous, most holy, Most High!
May we respond to today's graces with mindfulness, that we might be more perfect reflections of Yahweh's manifest holiness, his transformingly radiant Glory.

For his greater glory,
MFL, ofs

Pax et bonum