Pax et bonum...
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
The Glory of the Most High Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order seeks to help lay people and secular priests and deacons live out their Franciscan vocations through prayer, community, and opportunities for spiritual growth.
Glad to see you are posting!
ReplyDeleteThe picture goes with the label and the Post, and it did come from our Franciscan community picnic, but it wasn't the picture intended for that Post! Still learning. Also, another earlier Post seems to have disappeared. I found it elsewhere, and here it is, with its original date a couple of days ago:
ReplyDelete"The Franciscan Brothers and Sisters of Penance of the Glory of the Most High -- a community of men and women in what was originally called the 'Third Order' -- is a living presence of the love of God in the world. We carry on the ministry of our esteemed founder, whose greatness in shaping world history is concealed in his 'littleness,' often being referred to as 'the Little Poor Man of Assisi.' In the footsteps of St. Francis -- who walked in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus -- we walk and work and serve and play and pray in the greater Rochester, NY region of a world that is intended to reflect the Kingdom of the Most High. May this blog contribute to the revelation of that Kingdom! == MFL,sfo"
...and here's another "test Post":
June 12, 2010 3:49 PM
MFL. said...
Pax et Bonum! -- MFL, sfo
June 12, 2010 7:06 PM
MFL, sfo said...
ReplyDeleteWhat a courageous hero of the Franciscan Third Order is our noble St. Thomas Moore! He sets a high standard for those of us who follow in this long procession of Franciscan role models spanning the globe and eight centuries, these men, women, and youths from every station of life, giving themselves to the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the pattern of our Seraphic Father. May we be worthy of the invitation to join in this procession, this Introit to the great wedding banquet of the Lamb, where our founder watches and waits for us with hope, encouragement, and anticipation! -- MFL, sfo